21.10.01|Next news
Notice of Our Change in Company Name and Renewal of Our Website
We thank you deeply for your continued patronage of our company.
Please be informed that we have changed our company name from “Japan Fine Products Corporation” to “Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation” on October 1, 2021, which marks the 20th anniversary of our founding, to clarify our position within the Taiyo Nippon Sanso Group while also retaining the JFP brand we have established to date.
We have taken the occasion of our name change to also renew our website, and have relocated it to the URL shown below.
All employees are eager and ready to even more actively pursue their duties on a new note.
We hope you will continue to favor us with your generous support. Thank you very much.
[New company name]
Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation
[New website]
[Date of change]
October 1, 2021