Our Initiatives

Quality Policy

Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation

Environmental Policy

Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation recognizes that global environmental conservation is a priority issue for all humanity, and as a company that handles dangerous specialty gases such as toxic, flammable, oxidant and high-pressure gases, thus promotes environmental conservation activities based on the policy outlined below, to minimize the environmental impact of its business activity of producing compressed semiconductor process gases, standard gases, pure gases and mixture gases.


We will establish and regularly review our environmental goals and targets, and endeavor to enhance our environmental management system on an ongoing basis to strengthen environmental performance. To achieve these environmental goals and targets, we will strive;
(1) To enhance our production engineering capacity and promote efficient production activities.
(2) To utilize sustainable resources, to implement measures against global warming and to take steps to protect biodiversity and ecosystems.


We will promote initiatives to prevent environmental pollution by always recognizing the environmental aspects of our business activities, properly grasping the risks and opportunities related to the environment, and understanding that we have the minimum responsibility to comply with and assess our compliance with laws, regulations, local agreements and voluntary industrial standards related to environmental conservation.


From the perspective of product life cycles, we will strive to strengthen the following environmental aspects that presently accompany our business activities.
(1) Promoting the effective use of resources and energy
(2) Understanding and taking proper action with respect to the type, quantity, and handling of all chemical substances related to our business
(3) Achieving an effective utilization of gases and reducing waste in the production of specialty gases
(4) Responding to emergencies with due consideration to environmental impacts
(5) Understanding and possible responses to Conflict Minerals


We will raise environmental awareness in our employees through education, training, awareness raising programs and daily environmental activities, and contribute to society by initiating environmental activities from a broad perspective.

June 13, 2023

Tadaharu Watanabe
President & CEO
Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation