Our Initiatives

Security Policy

Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation

Security Policy

Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation, as a company specializing in the production of specialty gases, including flammable gases and toxic gases, recognizes that its utmost social responsibility lies in securing safety, and thus adheres to the security policy outlined below, to ensure safety in all its business activities and to widely contribute to public safety.


We will comply with all security-related laws, regulations and standards.


Through security education/training and safety activities, we will endeavor to raise awareness of safety in each employee and strive to enhance security technologies and knowledge.


We will identify safety risks within our business activities as a whole and make every effort to implement steady risk mitigation and preventive maintenance measures.


We will establish and maintain an organizational framework in preparation against natural disasters and other emergencies. In the event of a disaster, we will aim to prevent and mitigate damage and continue our business.


We will play an active part in safety activities in the community, and contribute to securing public safety.

In order for the above security policy to be firmly understood and executed by all employees, I will establish and maintain a company-wide security framework and management system. At the same time, all authoritative rights concerning security controls in our company will be delegated to security supervisors according to company regulations. All departments shall therefore fulfill their respective responsibilities by adhering to instructions and orders regarding security given by these security supervisors.

June 13, 2023

Tadaharu Watanabe
President & CEO
Taiyo Nippon Sanso JFP Corporation