Our Initiatives
Safety Initiatives
Safety overrides all else.
Quality, the environment, and everything else, are founded on safety. Thus, safety has priority above all else. It is only by ensuring safety that we can produce quality and evolve in harmony with the global environment.
In terms of our facilities, we pursue safe operations and thorough maintenance and inspection at all our plants. We also promote the development of safety systems, such as automated facilities, remote monitoring, and equipment control systems.
In terms of our personnel, we provide strict safety education to all our employees. Small-group safety activities are also implemented at all plants in the effort to create a safety culture.
Security PolicyTOPIC

Near-miss reports / KY meetings
We engage in safety activities through small groups called “KY groups” organized within each plant. The groups mainly share information and discuss issues related to safety by issuing near-miss reports and holding KY meetings.
Facility and site inspections
Facility and site inspections are performed by each KY group to verify the safety of facilities and work environments. Because multiple employees double-check risk factors from different perspectives, various matters are effectively realized.
Award system
As part of the effort to raise employee awareness and promote KY group activities, a system is in place to present an award once a year to KY groups that have demonstrated outstanding performance. An annual award is also presented to employees who have entered winning slogans for fiscal year, among others.